Country Reserve Association
Country Reserve Association


The world is on its way to financial dictatorship! The people do not want that!
That politicians worldwide participate because of lack of knowledge, ignorance or corruption must have an end.
This introduction shall show that it can work differently.

The present interest debt money system monopoly
If money is generated only as debt, it has the effect of the monopoly game: in the end, a small group super-rich will own everything and the people will not own anything!
The interest debt money system has a built-in self-destruct mechanism, because money only comes through debt and always has to pay interest.
As a result, there is a compulsion to produce more and more counterfeit money faster and faster - financial assets and financial debt grow together faster and faster.
This process is unstoppable! Low interest rates do just prolong bankruptcy!
There remains only the way to global hyperinflation to devaluate the unsustainable payment obligations that the states have taken.

Is the country prepared for the coming hyperinflation? Probably not!
So that the country does not fall into the debt trap unknowingly, there are now substantial changes required!

The monopoly of the interest debt money system needs to be undermined by allowing an alternative complementary system (see below for details).
First requirement: No new debt, balanced budgets on all government levels.
That no new debt or even repayment can have a positive effect, the interest debt money must not be longer a monopoly. Otherwise, money is taken out of the economy here, which leads to economic shrinkage with all its consequences (lower tax revenues, etc.). See Greece.
When all debt is repaid money would not exist anymore! But we do not need debt to have money.

Public debt
From the preceding one can see that not the public debt itself is the problem (it will be virtually extinguished by the coming hyperinflation) but the interest!
That a government pays interest that is fraud on the people in favor of the rich.

Elimination of the interest on public debt:
- All public debt can be either set to interest-free or outsourced and there converted to zero bonds.
- The zero bonds do not require the continuous payment of interest, they are already included at the issue.
- The zero bonds do not have an expiry date. However they are convertible and can be transferred between bondholders.
- With special tax proceeds bonds can be re-purchased all the time.

Pensions are currently not secured, on the contrary
The government will soon be unable to afford state subsidies to the pension system.
Subsidies to the pensioners instead of the children lead either to poverty of the families or at a birth rate below 2 to self-extermination of the people!
Pension claims based on debt money deposits (private pensions, pension insurance) cannot be met because the assets become practically worthless and cannot generate income for the payment of pensions!

Real cash
Note that banknotes are legal counterfeit money!
Real cash are gold (coins), silver (coins) and other precious metals.
In secret, gold is admitted as another money because there is no VAT on it.
Why this is not synonymous with silver, so silver is disadvantaged here, is incomprehensible.

The alternative complementary money system

Digital currencies
Included at the local bank (community bank).
- Payments for work can be saved value secured without inflation or demurrage.
- A weekly basic income to all inhabitants (internal system).
- The basic wages of the municipalities and regions are paid by the system.
- Extraordinary outgoings can be financed by new money issue.
- Interest-free finance of capital for companies.
- It is not an anonymous system, all transfers can be prosecuted, in particular illegal activities such as fraud, theft, bribery and extortion.

Cash (community bank)
The community bank receives cash machines, 5% gain at withdrawals and deposits.

Loans to persons (community bank)
Loans are interest-free, there is just a credit fee at the beginning.

Automatic taxation system integrated
Unlike other alternatives (crypto-currencies), this system contributes to public finance.
4%, 8% or 10% income tax on account credits; automatically diverted to the different governments.
Value added exit tax of 1%, 4% or 10%, for the state financing, so tax avoidance / tax evasion is impossible!
The automatic tax system can also be integrated in the present banking system, so it is valid at both systems.
No accounting required for tax reasons anymore (for example, for taxpayers of VAT).
And other taxes, see at the treaty.

Pension system integrated
Self-financing system, subsidies are no longer necessary from the state!
Special feature: The amount of the pension is based on the hours worked and not on contributions made.
Public and private pension liabilities can be transferred into this system.

First step: Registration of the recognition agreement

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